Male sexual problems have been hidden from the public eye since time immemorial. However, medical advances have significantly alleviated these issues. We provide the following services to help men with their sexual health issues. Erectile Dysfunction or Impotence Impotence can be primary (present from birth) or secondary (occurring after years of normal sex). It can be classified as arteriogenic, venogenic, neurogenic, endocrinogenic, mixed, or psychogenic based on the cause. Counseling, oral medication, hormone replacement, external vacuum devices, penile injections and implants, and micro surgery are all used as treatment methods.
The following Services are offered:
Management of common gynaecological problems e.g. menstrual disorders, amenopause, pelvi-abdominal masses, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, urinary prolapse and urinary complaints
Management of unintended pregnancies
Contraceptive services
Management of menopause e.g. symptoms, use of hormone replacement therapy and prevention and detection of osteoporosis
Our Urogynaecology Centre also provides comprehensive consultation, diagnostic testing and treatment for our patients with the following conditions:
Urinary incontinence (involuntary leakage of urine)
Overactive bladder (overwhelming urge to urinate/ passing urine too frequently)
Voiding dysfunction (difficulty in passing urine)
Recurrent urinary tract infections (Bacterial infection of bladder and urethra)
Pelvic organ prolapse (sensation of displaced pelvic organs or lump protruding out of vagina)
Equipped with sophisticated state-of-the equipment to help accurate diagnosis of urogynaecological problems, Our Urogynaecology Centre offers the following diagnostic tests: